The dual timelines would have been nice to know starting out. I was SO confused at first until like the 5th episode. I may have just been slow to catch on. But I'm sure there's others. Needless to say, once you pick up on that fact, the story REALLY takes off from there. You actually get to watch the origin story of how this all goes down and see them in their senior. That was quite an adventure, a fun one, that I enjoyed.
Although I must say, the character's writing was a bit dull and uninspired. I want to believe and have faith in the daughter of the utopian. I hope they really write her better, because she has the most MELODRAMATIC story I've ever seen. It feels like a last minute change someone wanted, and chose the most VANILLA writer for her. No disrespect, but I need someone who's really seen some tshi to take over.