As an FF7 fan since the original came out, this game nails it.
Personally it’s one of my favourite games of all time.
The characters and their relationships and how they react to each other is charming as hell. The open world is beautiful and I can’t gush enough about how amazing the towns were in this game. The side content is absolutely amazing and gives you great story tid bits and surprisingly rewards you with decent/great items for your troubles. An insane amount of mini games lol, it’s friggen insane how many awesome mini games there are.. and queens blood by the way, soooo damn addicting. Alllllmost as good as triple triad. The combat in rebirth is fantastic. Every character is so unique and has such a vast moveset it’s hard to experience it all.
There were a couple things here and there that could have been better or left out of the game but mostly minor things that I would just be nit picking.
There’s so much to say about this game I don’t even know where to start or where to end lol. I’d suggest giving it a try. You won’t be disappointed.
Personally I’d give this game a 10/10
A non bias score, maybe a 9/10 - 9.5/10
Absolutely love it I can’t wait for the conclusion to this trilogy whenever it comes out.