There are what I can only describe as an unending amount of horror films which revolve around this topic, documentary style films which claim to share real life interviews into the lives of those who suffer from it, ancient beliefs and ideals which oddly seem to reference these occurrences, and a failure to gain real world knowledge of what is actually taking place in the sleep cycles of these allegedly suffering victims. All of the above I have mentioned are situations of confusion and false claims. There has been no film on earth before “The Nightmare” which so closely describes each intricate detail of what the symptoms of sleep paralysis actually feel like so accurately. I know this because I have much experience with it. Do I think it’s some shadow man in the hat? Hell no but I can see why ppl in this film might say that. Is it the Devil or a demon or even a pair of alien like predators come to tickle you to death in the night? Also a hell no. I can see why all these ppl describe such similar occurrences but never exactly the same. Any true sufferer of sleep paralysis will know EXACTLY what I’m talking about here and what I myself consider the facts of what happens. When we sleep our bodies release chemicals that cause us to go through what has been calleda sleep cycle. A portion of that cycle is the release of chemicals in the brain which are meant to prevent us from physically playing out the actions of our dreams so that when your violently attacking that perpetrator in your nightmare who’s trying to so desperately take your life.. you don’t end up acting them out in your sleep innocently murdering your loved one or who/whatever you choose to sleep with at night in the real world. Now we know there are ppl who do suffer from this hardship who act there dreams out literally causing chaos. I believe in the minds of a sleep paralysis victim that these chemicals are working yet somehow our cycles become interrupted and cut short into a moment of consciousness while still under the effects of these chemicals. You can expect to think your going to see creepy figures, feel presences and experience what feels like helplessness in the force of don’ some kind of evil. I agree with all that because the situation is quite startling and difficult to gain control of when you don’t know what’s going on and we all tend to wind up succumbing to fear and therefore experience traditional ideals of horror. Once you can control the situation and believe me you can.. the visuals of the experience and what you tend to think you see during it tend to shift from being all negative to just being what they are.. wild dreams good or bad. The true terror of the phenomenon begins here for me in what I know abs can explain and that this documentary is now posing questions I must ask myself.. Everything I said is true but how did these interviewed individuals know about the visceral buzzing sensation, how do they know About the electrical shock, how do some of them know my exact technique to get out of the sleep paralysis or at least are beginning to understand what will become there learned way out over time when there isn’t even enough info on this that I could have even found someone to share my techniques with in the first place. Maybe I know nothing after all. That is what this film has done to me and I applaud it as an individual who believes fear is only a state of mind. With that said why not go further and solve it once and for all?