They show only their twisted side and no opposing research. That’s not science it’s fantasy. They certainly give no credit to the TRUELY incredible abilities of Humans and anything more advanced than throwing a rock is done by aliens. Give me one solid piece of evidence that there are aliens flying around our planet. Just one. The answer is you can’t you simply can’t and until you can you can keep your fantasy and I will continue to live in to real world. After all there is great wonder right before your eyes. Who made it depends on your spiritual belief but it’s right in front of you. If you really used that thing on the top of your shoulders you could be one too!
Very simple logic can debunk the whole series of thought but I have no doubt the you believers have not yet evolved the simple ability of locigal thinking so you must depend on some STUPID show to think for you. Learn some science then use your human brain to show you how stupid this stuff really is. It’s actually sad that so many lack the ability of logical thinking, really any real thought.