Overall, I enjoyed the film and thought it was really good, it has amazing emotions and a lot of humour, it is better than than GvK I would say.
I have three problems though:
1. The mothra plot felt really quite rushed
2. Godzilla is a side character in his own film with 0.2 seconds of character development, if they make another combined movie, he needs some focus
3. It feels like they have forgotten Godzilla's Alpha status as leader of all monsters, they forget about this in the first 5 minutes.
But it has some great positives
Kong's development was great, Trapper was one of the coolest characters ever and Dr Andrews was a much better character who didn't just support Kong. Godzilla was no longer portrayed as a villain, rather than what he is, a sort of anti hero, benevolent if you will.
8/10 film better than Godzilla (2014) and GvK (2021) on par with skull island and nearly as good as Godzilla 2.
Thanks for reading