It's not a bad or terrible film but I don't see what is novel about it. After Christopher Nolan's trilogy, I don't understand why this film was made. It starts off with "vengeance" but ends with "hope". I think Nolan worked with these themes very well already and to much greater effect. Also, there is nothing "dark" about the film. It might have been if they weren't in a hurry to tie up all the loose ends, ambiguities and dilemmas that are introduced in the first half.
Especially after the recent Joker film (with Joaquin Phoenix) which was brilliant, I was really expecting this film to complicate the Batman universe. It fails at this, if it was ever it's intent to do so.
Overall, it's reasonably entertaining but I felt very sleepy in parts and was left waiting for something interesting to emerge but it did not. Again, the talents of the actors and directors might be put to better use than making Batman films that nobody needs.