This is the WORST show on TV right now not even taking into the account the obscene budget. The dialogue is non-sensical and showcases how little the marketers *COUGH*, I mean "writers", are in tune with basic human conversation as they spend their time surrounded by fart sniffing intellectuals, celebrities, and greed. Even in a fantasy setting, the lines are so horrendously out of place, juvenile, and contrived. There are a handful of, not just 1 or 2, "wait what? How is that even possible?" moments in every single episode.
Also, this version of Galadriel has to be the most insufferable, 1 dimensional, entitled, outright nasty, and painfully corny character to have been created for TV since the beginning of the streaming era. Almost nothing she says or does is remotely believable, not bathed in a petulant tone of outright meanness or superiority, or not meant to demean, properly educate, or "one up" whoever she's interacting with.
It's a rusty, vanity soaked dagger in the back of Tolkien. A shameless pandering to normies that lap up their nutritionless store brand kibble media fed to them on a daily basis. A self congratulatory fornication of egos, agendas, and $. Not to be harsh... oh hell why not, but the same people loving on this show and claiming the hate is rooted in character flaws of the reviewers are likely the same people that thought Jurrasic World Dominion was wonderful. <insert seal clap> Like that unfortunate cash grab, Rings of Power insidiously rides in on the back of cherished nostalgia and intrigue all the while abusing and mutating that which carries it into a poorly conceived, barely recognizable amalgam of unprovoked errors.
The real hate, the real disrespect, lies in the hearts and minds of the hack creators and the monied interests behind them who play on society's joys, divisions, and previous works of art to make a quick buck.