okay so this game is certainly not perfect, but im not gonna trash it either, cause, simply, i love magic, i think its a great game, however i dont believe that spending your money to unlock virtual cards in this game is a great alternative to buying the exact cards that you want from other players irl. Granted, when it comes to stuff like Oko, or other ridiculously pricey cards, this game comes out on top, no doubt, but, not gonna lie, opening packs in this game feels really bad. I personally dont pay real money for it, but id wager it would feel even worse if i did.
Couple this with the fact that the standard format is a wild goose chase to get the best cards to build the best deck to ranch people on ranked with for the next couple of months, and its like that every single new set release,i think youd need to invest quite a bit of time (or money) into this game to get the amount of wildcards to feel as if youre, like, playing the game.
And as ive expressed earlier, i dont think that spending money on this game is a good decision. Though if you like magic and youre really not into paper cards games maybe it isnt. There's more nuance to this, i feel, because of the secondary market that exists in paper magic and because of WoTC's slimy buisiness decisions that mean to exploit the players looking to play some of the formats that MTGA currently does not offer.
I dunno, this is more of a ramble than a review. Thanks for listening