Stree (2018) is a refreshing take on the horror-comedy genre in Bollywood. Set in the small town of Chanderi, the film revolves around a mysterious female spirit, “Stree,” who kidnaps men during the annual festival. The plot’s mix of folklore, humor, and suspense keeps the audience engaged throughout. Rajkummar Rao delivers a fantastic performance as Vicky, a tailor, supported brilliantly by Aparshakti Khurana, Pankaj Tripathi, and Shraddha Kapoor, who adds an air of mystery to the story.
The film’s strength lies in its witty dialogues, eerie atmosphere, and the blend of horror with laugh-out-loud moments. It cleverly addresses societal themes like superstition, patriarchy, and gender dynamics. However, the climax leaves a few questions unanswered, leaving room for a sequel.
Overall, Stree is a fun, entertaining watch with an innovative twist on horror, offering both chills and laughs in equal measure.