before i start-d lambert is a neighbour-i am a separate person.
Tomasz, I am one of your cousins in the USA and I saw the video.
Quite a few of us live here, and I'd like to talk to you sometime-I
feel as if I already know you and could share my family history with you
if given the opportunity sometime in the future. I was told by my late
father that we had family in the highlands, and you have made this even more tangible. Since this is a public forum I can't divulge any more
personal history of the family, but I can tell you that since you are indeed
a kindred spirit, we have pretty much the same history-it was a rough ride,
to be sure!
i can tell you things that only we know to authenticate this. God Bless You
and maybe sometime you will post a response.Take care."Skippy".