It’s sad when everyone is trying to do everything possible to bring the black/white community together . But as I watched Kevin Frazier’s nasty attitude towards the Live PD host it literally made me sick to my stomach, it was absolutely disgusting. Kevin Frazier should not be a host if he can’t control his aggression towards others due to what our nation is going through.. It wasn’t that Live PD’s host fault, but the way he acted was uncalled for and very disappointing to watch him . You know everybody is trying to bend over backwards to make things right and everyone having a fair chance in life but it’s never gonna be enough. The nation has to work together to make a difference. How will we ever move forward with this being all that is aired on tv. It was so unfortunate that George Floyd lost his life, it was a senseless loss of life. We should all remember that all police officers are not that brutal. They are have actually been more white people killed by police officers but do we ever see that in the news NO!!! It’s time to stop fighting against each other and defend one another as equals . I will never ever watch ET again. A host just shouldn’t be that hot tempered towards others because of THERE COLOR !!!!