This film really is practically perfect in every way- I’m not sure what negative reviewers have been watching!
Yes, it is quite a long film but every minute of it is cleverly filled and my three young children didn’t move throughout the whole performance. The film isn’t a remake of the original, it’s a story in its own right but it is so cleverly linked to the original by little tributes throughout. Perhaps other reviewers don’t appreciate these little touches?
The songs, costumes and animation were all so clearly Mary Poppins themed and helped to transport you back in time and immerse you completely in the performance; at times I felt more like I was in a theatre than a cinema and felt like clapping- others in the cinema actually did!
I loved Emily Blunt’s portrayal of Mary Poppins. The cast was amazing, everyone who you’d want in a feel good film is there too- Meryl Streep, Colin Firth, Angela Lansbury and even Dick Van Dyke. The original Jane featured briefly too which was a nice nod to the original.
Overall, an amazing experience, especially if you’ve recently seen the original film! I’ll definitely be watching it again!