I dont know if i can post this, but i feel that this show is a nonsense now. Earlier we all were sitting together and watching it.now my parents are not allowing me to watch the because there is no justice and my mom get angry when kamal just smiles at aishus mistakes and keeps quite. She is fuming that kamal siir did not correct Mahath for abusing an elderly woman, please question him if he is ok if anyone
calls his mom a like that. Aishus and yashika they both are only showing their teeth body and giving them to Mahath a good time. Danny is feeling the heat with these two girls. Why is that kamal sir not questioning like how he did in the prwvious episode. Yhe contestants and are nit scaref if anythingbthere. Please see how sudeepnsir dies the show. People ahiver when he enters and its a pin drop silence when he speaks.