Truly one of the worst films I have ever seen. I say that dispassionately, setting aside my love for the franchise. I didn't think anything could unseat Last Jedi for worst Star Wars film for me, but Rise of Skywalker made me want to go back and rewatch Last Jedi about halfway through its runtime. If you're listening Disney, I have largely stayed out of the debate among fans about the direction of this trology until now. In fact, this is my first public post about it. You need to fire J.J. Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy. Period. Kennedy clearly has no idea what to do with the franchise and Abrams is this millenium's new Michael Bay, disguised with glasses and some inexplicable nerd cred. If people you are paying millions of dollars to can't understand basic plot structure nor strive for even halfheartedly intellectual and challenging writing then perhaps they should not be in control of your biggest franchise. I don't even know what else to say, this movie was garbage. The last two were garbage as well and essentially gauranteed me moving away from Star Wars as a whole but this one was a special kind of terrible. Hey Disney, bring back the expanded universe. Oh and thanks for officially destroying my childhood.