First off, let me say that I have played through the entire story, as I see people on here are writing reviews based off of 1-2 hours of gameplay. Story-wise this game could use some improvement, but this game is more Fiction/ mythological/ combat focused. Weapons and skills feel unique and vastly different from each other. Bosses all use different techniques and require a different fighting style. However, mini bosses feel somewhat similar to one another, and you'll fight at least 2 of each miniboss through your playthrough. The story is moderate in terms of length, as it will take you about 15 hours on average. That being said, the game has a lot of endgame content that can probably last you another 10-15 hours. Overall, those who don't enjoy the looter/slasher genre of games and want an in-depth story won't enjoy this particularly, but those who do will have a blast.