Why watch "Jai Bhim" Movie?
✍ Excellent work of administration + judiciary + general public + lawyers
32 Understands Article 32 (1) of the Constitution and your rights
सकारात्मक Both positive / negative aspects of policing are shown
स्थिती Indigenous (tribal) status of India is shown.
कसा What is the purpose of political self-interest
काम The work of honest officers
✍ In the end the "blind law" becomes clear
✍ And the most important “constitution” is the best.
कोणी Who should watch the movie?
All future officers
General public
By all the young and old
फायदे The benefits of watching?
Dr. You will understand why Babasaheb Ambedkar called the article "Spirit of the Constitution"
ेल Understand how false cases are filed against Muslims, Dalits, tribals and other minorities in India
ेल Understand the power of a lawyer, an honest officer, a self-respecting person and a court.
💁♂ See for sure everyone