I used to live this show! UntilI auditioned the second time. I was in a wheel chair and invisible to the casting people! I overheard them talking. They were looking for a "type"! They s wanted biker types for the show. A man who was in line with me that I had long conversations with who made a Pastalya that was basic and my Pastalya more advancedthan his...he was a Big biker looking type...he went on and I did not. My Pastalya had rabbit in it. Hee asked me how did I manage rabbit without it becoming dry. I took himI brined my rabbit for 3 days before roasting it. Hee asked me how to brine!! That's basic!! The chef was an ass and my dish was not treated by a chef! Production crew who was hired for the event tasted it. I met Graham Elliott and he was a pompous jerk! Because I was in my wheel chair that time I was invisible! My first time going I was treated somewhat better but really theyjust want a type. Why is it nolonger about the food and not the hype??!! So sad.