This is the greatest Netflix Original I ever scene, possibly the greatest adult cartoon I ever saw. This is on par with Regular Show and the first three seasons of the Boondocks. The reason why I loved the show so much was that the Protagonists and I drew so much parallels. Both me and Bojack had similar upbringings and expectations and we both suffered from guilt and self loathing. Also the other protagonist Diane was relatable in the way that she lacked self worth. All the way until the end, she didn't believe she could ever achieve or deserve happiness in life. Everytime she came close, she would push it away. Diane and Bojack are in a sense two sides of the same coin. They were both two individuals who dealt with self loathing in different ways but in the end evolved into their better selves. Like the penultimate end alluded to, we only get one shot at existence and I was happy that Bojack got one last chance at life. May'be the drowning symbolizes the death of the old Bojack and the birth of a better one.