This series takes a different approach to the frachise than the previouse generations so do not go into this with the mind set that you will be watching something familiar. The good I see is keeping the party size small so that both gou and ash get plenty of screen time, Ash also seems to be smarter in this series so that is fun to see. I also think gou is an okay character on his own but when put beside ash, he feels lack luster. I also find how go captures pokemon to be irritating. He just throws the pokeball and nothing else usualy. The quality of the show goes down the gutter as well compared to the last few generations so that is infuriating. Final major dislike is how the scenarios feel disconnected. Like eating several cupcakes instead of a normal cake. They taste but you feel as if you would have prefered the cake. Now if you must see the show then go to youtube and look for the mister mime scenes. Thos are just hillariouse. I hope someone found this useful. GOODBYE!