Battle Chef Brigade is a very fun game, it's a mix of game genre's that you wouldn't expect to go well together and is very much a sum is greater than it's parts game. The game's art style is very anime-esque resembling Studio Ghibli and it's clear that a lot of time and effort was put into making the game absolutely gorgeous. While there are only 3 playable characters there's a bunch of modes and bonus content that make the game replayable for months if not more. Trinket Studios, the devs, have done an excellent job at making the main gameplay elements (The hunting and cooking) fit well together and there is very little to no disconnect when you go from doing one to the other. There's a bunch of hidden lore as well and some shout-outs to their previous titles (Color Sheep and Orion's Forge.) The main story is short, about 15 hours, but it is one of those games that you can play over and over. While it does have its faults (such as no full world multiplayer) it is definitely a title that is worth your time and money.