I used to watch upto three episodes in one sitting.Despite some stupidities like Al Basti and Zangotch characters DE was real pleasure to watch.Kurulus Osman on the other hand is like Kids magic stories and that also with lots and lots of stupidities.I am watching one episode of KO in five/six sittings.The writer in my opinion is overwhelmed with the most stupid way of writing stories ie "writer's convenience".Forgetting and leaving aside the history,logic,common sense,reason etc to home his own "convenience of story telling". If Osman was in fact like this character then there would not be any Ottoman Empire.Writer has shown Osman in this serial as one of the most stupid,idiot,carefree,stubborn,weak,shortsighted,selfish,dumb person. History is not made bu such persons. Mohammad Bozdag disappointed the viewers!"