Get it, minions=funny so, let’s make a whole bunch of them into chicks. Ok, this movie is garbage and I understand that it’s just a kids movie that most kids (younger kids) will enjoy. It was predictable, ok so head minion does not like our main character E.B. because he ate some candy so now head minion wants to take over the Easter bunny’s roll? But, we only see him as a villain towards the end of the film so it’s not twist villain because it shows him acting mean to the little minions throughout but, why set up the plot of the head minion wanting to take over but only at the end of the movie. It’s not a long movie (thank God) but, it doesn’t feel like anything was accomplished just that we got a cameo with David haselhof. The animation is poor and probably because this is when illumination found out “hey we don’t have to try.” The whole “I wont your candy” song and scene was awful and cringworthy. This movie is hilariously horrible and I watch it every year because of how funny it is.