I just downloaded it on the suggestion of one of my friend and thats the worst mistake i did of my life..for people who have watched a hell range of magnificent movies ,this film is just a torture to your psycheic stability and will push you to delirium...i cudnt event watch the film post 30 min. It was so annoying..i mean just being loud ,giving weird expressions doesnt make someone a bonafide comedian ..Rebel Wilson is such a waste ...she came across annoying, irritating and simply mind hammering
I couldnt even realise why a actor like anne Hathaway even chose to do such a film...anyway its just a waste..dont expect anything in the name of comedy except some weird loud expressions,lunatic whereabouts and a stupid cocktail of wannabe con artists.
PS.This review is meant for people who are cinephiles, movie buffs ,have a knack for good cinema and have watched a range of good cinema. ..people who are venturing into Hollywood films for the first time may find the film amusing just because of the unnecessary glitter and foolery of the film.