MAJOR SPOILERS: So when you initially look at this film you’re in awe of the beautiful graphics and how amazing the action scenes are this movie really does a good job of reeling you in. But then when you leave the theater and you’re in the car and you go over everything you just saw you realize they’re just so many gaping holes in this movie so many loose ends and so much unnecessary dialogue and footage.
It wasn’t explained in the movie where these random aliens came from except to say their world was destroyed, we’ve never even seen these in the X-Men universe before so to just randomly place them in this movie and never explain their presence or their backstory made zero sense to me. Secondly I still can’t even understand the timeline if I’m remembering correctly the X-Men movie where they were battling magneto at the White House happen in the 70s and this movie takes place in the 90s and yet no one has aged one bit except for Professor X so I’m totally not understanding what timeline they’re working on. I also feel like for mystique to have been as an impactful character as she was to just quickly kill her off in the movie and forget about her within two minutes was such a disservice. Literally between the time where she started trying to call Jean off of the ledge and the time Jean killed her and the time they buried her was less than three minutes so I really feel like they could have spent more time in that scene.
Next I don’t understand how the alien stated that they had followed this cosmic force all across the universe but at no point in time did they try to access it or take control of it but all of a sudden now they’re powerful enough to take it from Jean to the point where it almost killed her, how does that make sense? It also doesn’t make sense that everyone was upset a professor ask literally I don’t think that they needed to add Jean’s father back in the movie obviously everything that Professor X did was to protect her her father didn’t want her and he didn’t want her to remember that she killed her mother or go looking for a father who abandon her with no regard and never thought about her again.
It also doesn’t make sense that everyone was upset a professor ask literally I don’t think that they needed to add Jean’s father back in the movie obviously everything that Professor (X] did was to protect her her father didn’t want her and he didn’t want her to remember that she killed her mother or go looking for a father who abandon her with no regard and never thought about her again. And then for mystique and beast at different times to insinuate that Professor X cared about no one but himself and that the children need to be protected from him was such a farce. Out of everyone he is the main person who is willing to put his life in danger to save any one of those kids so I really feel like that was a stretch in the movie. Plus Mystiques makeup looked like it was painted on. Way less believable than previous films.
I felt like this movie just has so many loose ends that it never tried to tie and that there was so much added to this movie that didn’t need to be there. Overall I would rate this a six out of 10 now that I’ve thought about it but right after I originally saw it I rated it a nine out of 10. I just feel like they could’ve really tighten this movie up and honestly this to me wasn’t the best way to end an entire saga of the X-Men especially being under Fox they could’ve done it way better but overall it’s still a decent movie. The acting was fantastic, storyline just isn’t the best.