The movie has almost no intrinsic value as a standalone movie, and only marginal value as a continuation of the Breaking Bad series. Most people wouldn't even call this a movie, but more of an extended season opener of the original TV series. I thoroughly enjoyed the Breaking Bad series, but found this "movie", lackluster, predictable, and even hard to follow at times. Not hard to follow from a story perspective, but from a why am I wasting time watching this perspective. Too much reminiscing and too many flashbacks to attempt to tie the story back to the original series in hope of catching on to the magic of the original TV show. Let me tell you, that magic is a distant speck on the horizon. The cameo appearances were all disappointing. I found myself not caring about Jessie, his internal struggles, or his current plight during the movie. His character played a defeated whipped dog sort of role in the story arc that never really achieved the reversal from losing to winning. One shoot out in the film was the highlight and it was even laughable. Spoiler alert...
For instance, we are to believe that 1 character can fire thru his jacket and hit his target but then miss completely when he is actually aiming thru the sites of the gun? This movie actually harms the memory of the Breaking Bad TV show. If you were a superfan of the series, then watch the movie. If you were a fan of the TV series, avoid it and save yourself some time. If you never watched the series, avoid completely.