Olga: how far have you fallen?? Here you are, making one of these totally formulaic movies that throw logic and realism right out the window, where you look totally emaciated, and on top of everything, you had to do a gratuitous lesbian sex scene that was completely unnecessary in the course of the movie....In the final scene , she gets shot and stabbed, but then miraculously, 3 months later , she reappears to finish her revenge, after having murdered who knows how many people...what happened in those 3 months?? How was she treated medically, avoid the law, etc. Gaping plot holes that stretch credibility to the limit. Watch this ,only, as in my case, if you are a fan of Olga, however, be prepared, because although she has not yet fallen into the horrible Hollywood tradition of plastic surgery on her lovely face, unfortunately, she has fallen victim to the scourge of anorexia.