I always liked Batman always liked Superman but never was a fan of Aquaman just like Marvels Thor I never was a fan of him either but I love the marvel movies and movie version of Thor and as far as this version of Aquaman I believe it has done a great justice to this character just like the movie version of Thor has done for me. I see this movie as a success for DCU especially since the last few movies totally sucked except Wonder Woman and Man Of Steel. I assumed this movie was going to be terrible because Aquaman was introduced in B Man Vs S man and played a small cheesy role in Justice League. But I gave it a shot for Mamoa’s sake because he is a decent actor and a great action star and I was not disappointed. I also believe that J Wan and the Director of Wonder Woman should just take over the whole DC movie project and if rebooting is demanded the two should still be the key directors and to keep Mamoa and the actress from Wonder Woman. Their versions of the new DCU stand out the most and draw me back into it. But hands down Nolan’s Batman trilogy is the best comic movies period out of all comic universes that have gone to screen. Too bad he didn’t just create multiple movie versions of DC characters. I would of loved to see a version of Justice League created by him. MCU is awesome but nothing they have done so far can hold a candle to Nolan’s B Man trilogy.