Once I have seen a show, I love to go back and see if other people had the same reaction. I am a fan of the genre, too, and btw if you haven't seen Rectify, it's a gem. I love Octavia Spencer and Aaron Paul. I thought he had better material to work with than she did and his performance was fantastic. Her talent was wasted. Other reviews have echoed my thoughts-I completely disliked Poppy. I thought she was selfish, condescending, self-righteous and lucky to have a husband that put up with her. Her family was completely unlikeable too. Some plot developments never went anywhere. Poppy's statements were contradictory regarding her character's personality and beliefs. In terms of the script, sometimes all Octavia could do was react emotionally as best she could but the script was empty. I started on the first episode of season two and thought it was so bad that I rewatched the last Ted Lasso and called it a night.