As a 23-year-old, this anime is clearly not designed to attract older audiences, which I can respect. Perfect anime to watch f0r a teenager who might want to explore the world of anime more. At a certain point, you have to realize when an anime is just trying to be a copy and paste from every other ecchi anime.
I don't have a problem with ecchi anime, in fact, that is what sent me on my anime journey. Although I was a teenager at the time dealing with my hormones, so every time I saw a busty anime girl I was in heaven. However, now that I am older I don't care. Now, not to say this anime is not good or bad. It just isn't for me!
Seven Deadly Sins is a messy story that doesn't make sense half the time and tries its best to lighten the mood by throwing in cheesy ecchi bits of material that kinda creeps me out. Especially since the main protagonist is trapped in his 13-year-old teenage boy body, and constantly touching Elizabeth (another protagonist). I know melodious is technically thousands of years old, but it just doesn't sit right with me for this visualization of sexual conduct.
The problem I have with SDS is the poorly animated fight scene. The fight scene is so bad, that oftentimes I just skip over them to see who won. I find this very disheartening cause the characters have awesome abilities like Escanor. Many of these characters have great abilities and "ok" story development, but the lack of fighting animation just turns me off this anime. Lastly, why...on dear god why...did they ADD POWER SCALING! This is my biggest pet peeve with anime besides Dragon Ball. These animes need to stop adding power scaling as a way to label out who beat who. Power scaling use to be something special to me cause dragon ball was awesome and I loved it, but now anime companies think they can just do the same thing and get away with it.
Basically, as I stated before, this anime is clearly not for me, but to appeal to younger audiences who are either trying to get into anime or really into ecchi material. Either way, I'll get it a solid 3/5 for "TRYING."