Ten years of FBI investigation are enough for me to believe in Michael Jackson’s innocence. The documentary is flawed in many ways,presenting recycled facts tossed from court in the past.The claims Wade Robson and Safechunk make in this documentary have been debunked in the past,they contradict their own words from the past plenty of times and plenty of information doesn’t add up. Wade Robson only decided to speak against Michael Jackson after being denied a leading job for a Michael Jackson themed show by Cirque Du Soleil. Wade Robson swore under oath that nothing like that had ever happened between him and Michael Jackson. Wade Robson states that the purpose of this documentary is to help victims speak up,yet he has repeatedly sued the MJ estate and companies for millions,which he never got.In fact,he is going through a financial crisis and owes the estate money.His motive is clearly money driven. This documentary is an ill attempt for some quick money grabbing and nothing more. It’s disrespectful to actual victims of abuse and it saddens me deeply that it is being praised by the press to this extend. Robson and Safechunk simply cannot prove that any of these things ever happened.And that will always be a fact. So in response to this article,no. I am not going to stop listening to his music,I’m not going to see Michael Jackson in way other than what he really is. A talented,kind and generous black artist who was terribly targeted,bullied and mistreated during his lifetime and after it.
This article is disappointing.