i just lov this show it shows emostion it can make you cry and can even teach adult life lessons it has charater with each of there special things they repersent. writing this makes me cry. it can make you think all your life chooses over and it can chage your heart for the better. this show is just so heart touching and i think its the best show that i have ever whatched, it was so hard for me when people insult this show because i know the true meaning in this show. it teached me what the best life chooses are and it teched me that to never forget your friend and always forgive. it fell like warmness it surrounding me everytime i watch teis show and this show has funniest and greatness. it makes me laugh every time. i teached you alot and there is alot of other stuff there is about naruto but there in my deapest heart so i want you to watch this so and expirons it for your self and feel the happyness it gave me when i watched it it is the best show ever. but never forget this never give this show up it might seem bad at first but it will get better and better. and the first series is great as well. watching this show is the best time i had in my life. im a child but i have thismuch to say about this show so please try it for your self. (naruto, lover)