The show has not provided 1 prayer for George Floyd or his family. The only comments are criticisms of the things going on in this country.
The statues being taken down are of rapists like Thomas Jefferson who rapped a 12-14 year old and impregnated her 6 times. Study your history about was done to the black people and Indian nations and throughout the world. Then they went to church and preached a loving GOD.
Still those same atrocities are going on today. Where is your criticisms.
Take down your idol of that greater than life size statue of that figure you have on your property. It is idolatry!
You really need to examine yourselves.
All of you need to study the history of America of how it started out with the Indians, Black People, Spanish, Mexicans and all the things America has done through out the world and the evil propaganda they espoused. The whole world is rising up against racism, but you have not addressed it once. GOD is holding your ministry accountable.
Examine yourselves!!!!!!!!!