This is Karen Brenner posting. I don't know if Anderson Cooper will ever see this but I have to write and say how much I appreciate and have been touched by Mr. Cooper's heartfelt and sympathetic reporting of the pandemic we're all trying to live through. I first noticed his compassion and righteous indignation on that infamous bridge in New Orleans during Hurricane Kathleen. There are many fine news anchors and reporters who get fired up and can be eloquent and masterful in their presentations but I've never seen any other news person be as sincerely heartfelt and as truly compassionate as Mr. Cooper. Having said all of that, I also have the feeling that I really wouldn't want to be engaged in a war of wits with him, as I would find myself totally disarmed (especially if he giggled). Thanks, best wishes and congratulations on his new found meaning in life; being a father. Karen Brenner Chicago