Where do you even begin to describe a movie of this... Unbelievably disgusting and downright immoral in every sense of the word. Christian Grey looks like a boy scout compared to this nonsense. I've heard people trying to argue that this plot is supposed to be what BDSM is or some nonsense, NO! This is a accurate depiction of kidnapping, of attempted murder, of so many counts of sexual assault that even Harvey Weinstein would probably consider this excessive. This trash heap of a movie is the plot of 50 Shades of Grey if it was written by a 12 year old girl on Wattpad, and acted out by the cast of The Room! Heck, Tommy Wiseau was a better actor than half this cast! This movie is a hazard to your mental health and I recommend avoiding it like the plague. Don't believe all these robots rating it five stars! Porn movies show more respect to human beings that this movie! The fact that Netflix green-lit this is absolutely disgusting! As if Netflix greenlighting "13 Reasons Why" was bad enough, basically telling young impressionable kid that committing suicide to get petty revenge on bullies was bad enough. Now! Now Netflix is encouraging young boys to just go kidnap girls and sexually assault them until they love them and telling young impressionable girls that they should just be submissive and just to tolerate sexual assault as if that's how relationships work THIS IS NOT OKAY!!! NONE OF THIS IS OKAY!!! Who is responsible for this?! Who at Netflix thought approving this was a good idea?! In closing, my only two regrets are (1. that I will now have to live the rest on my life knowing this exists. (2. No matter how much I wish, I can't rate it lower than one star.