The story revolves around a girl named Veronica who almost has everything she wants in her life but still there was something missing, that feeling of incompetence brings sadness and depression in her life, ended up deciding suicide to be the only way to be free from all the tensions and worries. She took a handful of pills and write a funny sucide note just to make people laugh at her and not to know the exact reason of her sucide, but unfortunately life wasn't supposed to end for her. She got hospitalised and when awaken she finds herself in an asylum for being mentally insane.
There is when the story actually begins, she met many characters zedka, dr. Igor, mari and eduard. Her heart gets affected by the suicidal attemot and she was informed that she only had a week to live., so she start living each day of her life doing unexpected things, thinking that no one will judge her because obviously she was in a mental hospitals and mentally retarded persons are supposed to do anything😂.., There's a time when the story becomes slow, but the curiosity to know what might happen with veronica at the end will help you to hold on with the book..😂😂( I want to keep that suspense so won't tell you what happens next😜)
Overall it was a good book with some anti-Muslim sayings that somehow truly bothers me, the basic lesson you get from this is "Don't be afraid to be different, its completely okay to be different. Live a life you want to live like and not only to impress people amd according to the so-called standards set by this society. Follow your dreams. Follow your passion. Life is short and beautiful, live every moment of it"