Check it out this is typical African American stuff! Cry every chance they get about everyone so called being racist towards them, when actually THEY (African Americans) fuel the racism the most. They also can be outright in the open about it!!!! Biggest hypocrites ever!!! If whites did this to black people on tv like this it would be ALL over the news and everything else!! Tired of the crybaby bullshit! They are the Biggest racists! Keep fueling the hate and see what comes of it! I’m disappointed in CBS how they accommodate this to happen! It would NOT fly if it was the opposite and everyone knows it! Good thing whites don’t vandalize their own communities, and rob from local businesses while tearing up anything in their way and setting things on fire like the African Americans do when they don’t get their way. #blacklivesracist #hypocrite #fuelinghate #cbssupportsracism #whitesstandup