The default control settings are abysmal, so I'm here to help.
Controller settings:
RS DZ: 6
Camera acc: 67
Camera dec: 55
X axis sen: 28
Y axis sen: 23
Camera (aim): 40
This will make things fluid and easy to find precision. The downside is you can't turn the character too quickly, but this game does not call for quick turns, so you'll be alright. If they added an aim acceleration delay setting this could be solved, but this setup will do fine.
The game is fun, a bit grindy with the soul collecting though, 10/10 for originality & story, 8/10 for XSX Console optimization, 7/10 for story tempo & immersion. 7.5/10 for combat experience. 9/10 for world building & aesthetic feel. Overall a very good job for a 1st release.