The critics saying that this film is mediocre hit right to the target. Cap. Marvel came out being an untouchable character, there’s no real risk for her, no real embodiment of evil, nothing to loose and a half cooked motivation with a twist that came out of the blue.
Yes, there is an aproach to a feminist message on the lead character but I dare to say is NOT the right one. The better message, on the other hand, comes from the female support characters to the point that you no longer care for C. Marvel because she’s untouchable, but for the support character daring, leaving all behind, feeling strong emotions as she adventures into the danger of the unknown.
With this movie out of the list, I do get why people are so mad about the possibility of her defeating Thanos, I would be very mad myself if a poorly written and flat dimentioned character comes just a movie early and beats years of development in just a few ambiguosly-powered photon charges at the head.
There was a line given to Larson that says “You don’t know who I am. I...don’t know who I am” and we, as the public, end up coming out of the movie with that mystery not really solved.