Mediocre at best. It feels meh. Not as immersive as the other AC games in the past. Devs need to ask fans what AC is about and what the fans loved about it. Corporate doesn't know sh!t. That's why this game received more negative reviews than positive.
-It does feel like they tried going back to the original roots.
-Lots of stealth (Game emphasizes more on stealth and assassinations)
-Pickpocketing is fun
- Map and explorations are limited. There's the city and then there's lots of desert that covers the 3/4s of the map and there's is nothing out there. You have a mount, but you'll hardly use it because you're pretty much staying in the city.
- No side quests, only "Tales..." to which its very limited as well.
-Hardly any puzzles
-Extremely short game
-Cannot customize outfits unless that specific color is for a specific outfit version. Cannot mix and match.
- The pet falcon/eagle/bird only tags targets, not hidden entrances and other important places like older AC games.
-Lots of locked doors. Lots. Throwing knife will be used a lot.
-When you customize your controls (PS4/5; XBOX), some buttons will not be customized and because of that, others could have two jobs. Example, R2 to parkour AND display weapon wheel. With that, you can choose to press, double press or hold. It took me 2 hours to get how I want my controls to be how I wanted.