Untill the final act of the Joker my movie experience was swell, indicative of a lofty 21st century satire rooted in a deeper view of a world many of this generation are linked to- made complete with super reference!
It was at the climax of this character centered peice, that, for the first time watching a film, I did truely feel horrified.
I might have attributed it to a stellar portayal of a very human creature entrapped by real relatable sadness which sowed the grounds of madness for the acts of violance at that climax to take place. More over it could be a product of engrossing myself in the all-to-real environment synonymous with such vile acts.
In all actuality it was the Joker's ability to be such an acute display of visual anthropology which made that last act of cruelty such a pinnacle of abhorrence and terror.