This movie is stupid. Anybody on here that is saying it’s a masterpiece or it’s splendid is wrong. The movie starts really good. Halfway through the movie. I’m all for it. You have George Clooney and Quentin Tarantino who are brothers. The beginning starts out like a Tarantino movie. Actually, if you would’ve handed this movie to Tarantino and said hey, make the script good we probably would’ve gotten a great movie. But in my opinion, we got a mediocre vampire movie. Yeah this movie is about vampires for some reason. It started off with these two bank, robbers with George Clooney being the hotheaded thief, and Quentin Tarantino, being a pervert pedophile creep rapist. Overall a good concept. Something that Tarantino would probably come up with himself, but no. We get Vampires