Ill keep it simple . This show just plain sucks. Bad writing, bad plot, poor acting , horrible vision it checked all the boxes for how not to make a Star Wars TV show. If I were to perform as abysmally as this show's producers did, at my job, I'd be run out on a rail. I would be trusted to make a product that maximizes revenue returns based upon what my clientele desires and what they're willing to shell out. I would not be expected to indulge my own personal fantasies and narrow vision. Disney is a business . A commercial concern. Their people are expected to deliver the best product for the most people. This showrunner should go back to making Lifetime movies. That's her audience and that's where she belongs. And the nerve to put her wife in a major yet flawed and poorly written role armed with a whip is well disturbing. Please keep your personal circus out of the franchise.