The book was so beautifully written and it had such an affirming way of expressing what i have been thinking and feeling about the lost connection we have with the natural world. Observing and co creating with nature instead of dominating it. I live in new zealand and we have wild kaimanawa horses who are mustered each year and were originally sent to slaughter but they have become recognised as an ideal breed for their intelligence and versatility so now more valued. This wonderful book has helped me draw parallels with other breeds. As a human who shares their life with two very special Arabian horses, who’s ancestors also once lived in tents with their humans, its made me realise that the very purpose of the spooky arabian, who’s job it was to warn their humans of an attack way before it happened, has lost favour with society not appreciating it yet that trait was crucial to their mutual survival in a time when humans were more reliant on their animals. Its not fun to be suddenly unseated but the intelligence, personality and reliance of the breed are factors i love about them alongside their looks! Thank you Catherine Munroe for writing such an exquisite book that’s not only a great escape read but makes you think deeper too!