I don't understand why it is so hard for writers to follow a book series. I get that things need to be removed when adapting a book series to a movie or television but in the first 10 minutes of this show they made so many changes to plot that were pivotal to the entire story! And added useless character arcs that were not necessary at all! They took no time to flesh out any of the characters, just jump into action. The casting is atrocious and the character's personalities are completely different to what they are in the first book. Lord of the Rings was an amazing adaptation of a book series because they took the time to understand the story and mold it into 3 movies. I wonder if any of the writers even read any of Jordan's books before they wrote this dribble. And they have the advantage over Lord of the Rings because they have an entire series to tell the story. Only reason I am giving this 1 star is because the Uruk-Hai....err....I mean Trollocs looked cool. That's it. I could probably write an entire novel of everything that is wrong with just the first episode. If you're a fan and haven't seen this show yet, you will be highly disappointed.