Maybe not a popular opinion, but I loved this! I was looking forward to it for months, couldn’t help but binge watch it and now… it’s canceled. Maybe I have poor taste because I liked Cursed on Netflix too. Maybe I just like stories that pay tribute to something that was already created and then make it there own. They say that we’re are constantly rewriting and recycling the same stories and art anyway, so what is the big deal?? People hate it because to was too similar to the anime… and then people hate it because it was different. How about treat it as a stand alone creation that’s paying attribute to something else and then judge it? That’s just how I see it I guess and I enjoyed it and I like that it gave life to anime that was so unique and made it viewable to other audiences who may have not watched anime. My mother in-law loved it and had no idea it was based on an anime. It’s a good story and deserves at least one more season.