In my opinion, metro exodus is not good. I played the first 10 hours of it and the writing was as bad as assassin creed odyssey. The games writing and storytelling is not great, and there is outstanding about it.
I loved Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light because they had great horror and I was geniunely scared when playing them, even though there wasn't amazing writing. Metro Exodus just doesn't have that horror that made the previous games so good to me. Also the linear story formula was so good in the other games and was one of the reasons that they were so scary. The open world doesn't give me that horror because it hard to implement that into a world like that.
The game looks great though and shooter aspect is a lot better than 2033 and Last Light. I'll give the developers a lot of credit for the work they put in but it just didn't satisfy my need for a horror shooter game. I'm glad that other people are enjoying the game though, so have fun.