I liked the game at the beginning but as it went along my favorite part to play was the predator and its stupidly unfair when all my long range weapons have to either be charged or give up my location or both and not even hurt a fire team member that much because within about 5 seconds of charging my plasma caster I got shot down to half health and it didn't even kill with a head shot and the disc cannot be maneuvered at all and is completely useless and the camouflage does not work at all, and apparently my sword or spear or my claws can be parried by a little tactical knife making it useless and sense i have to wait so long to change to something else I either die because they all shoot me within the seconds it takes to change or I am forced to run away and use 1 of the 2 med kits that i can have and if i get 2 or 3 of the fireteam downed, which uses all my equipment, they can all be called back usually making it an impossible task to deal with and the damage they can cause within seconds is stupid considering all long range equipment with predator is bad and does almost no damage unless charged and gives out your location the game forces you to get in close melee distance and even with the bullets perk on to receive less damage if one guy parries while the others shoot i get killed within four seconds and could imagine the game without that single perk and even than its unfair. Overall I don't feel like predator I feel like a human in a lame costume with some powerful armor and weak to no damage weapons and can be killed way to easily especially when my mask is broken and they just run away with me having to other way to track them making it the most boring 10 or 8 minutes of a video game ever.