Will this save Cinema as we know it ? It bears a heavy burden and it almost feels like it knows it. This is a science fiction espionage thriller but it is very much in Nolan's inimitable style. Any film that delves into Time and its many paradoxes will always have an audience scratching its head but this definitely will have you wanting not only a rewind button but also a pause button to run some of the concepts and situations it throws up. The casting is interesting and all cast members throw up some good performances considering some of the stuff they have to keep a straight face for.Kenneth Brannagh is definitely enjoying himself a little too much as the Blofeld type baddy .The film aspires to be an action film with a brain, a James Bond film with a Phd. Does it succeed? Well that's up to individual taste. It has unusually made me want to watch it again to check it's science against itself. I did congratulate myself on a couple of occasions spotting some things that were going to happen in the future...or was it the past ?
Action pieces are delivered well , excelling in small confrontations rather than the large scale battle scenes that feel a bit James Bond like a la "You only live twice".
Overall, I recommend TENET if you like your thrillers with a bit of a brain and more than a dollop of fiction mixed in with your science. Yes, it is very Loud and Noisy and some of the dialogue is lost , particularly in the mask wearing scenes ,something a lot of modern films find difficult in navigating. I would suggesting treating it like a loud rock concert...the experience will be unforgettable but don't expect to hear all the lyrics