This game... Is heartbreaking. It's so average. You play the same maps over and over again and that usually isn't a bad thing, but there are certain quality of life things that ruin it, for me.
There's no music. Nope, none... No epic battle music to be found during the supposed epic battle... It can be found at the menu and at the last few mins of a match, horrible design... What were they thinking?
Customization... Everyone... LOOKS THE SAME. There are almost NO UNIQUE ARMOR SETS! Albeit the Agatha Lion knight, but that's IT! Everything else is common generic trash that doesn't allow you to truly create the warrior you want to be.
Archers... Cancerous class that desperately needs to be brought back in line. I get that its a "Medieval game it needs archers" but, from a gameplay perspective, allowing a certain class to have ranged attacks when everyone else is melee? BS! Especially when they can't counter them. Just annoying flies.
The servers are constantly lagging and twitching about, simple stutters leave you vulnerable to almost all attacks, and having your enemy phase through your weapon will almost guarantee a fist through a wall.
Weapons do full damage despite having NO MOMENTUM LEFT. Your enemy swings at you... He misses... BUT! You stepped back on his blade as it dangles there, BOOM! Hit for full windup damage, it's borderline broken... What were they thinking?
After reaching Knight rank 70, I find myself playing this and just ranting the entire time. Whether I'm on the top of the leader board or somewhere in the middle, I'm not really having fun.
Oh and "Slaughter of Coxwell", what the HELL WERE THEY THINKING?!