I am an 81-year old research writer and lately been mostly involved with medical issues. I consider myself an objective person when it comes to evaluating the writings of others, especially those committing their thoughts and theories to print for the consumption of the trusting public. Let me say right off: THIS BOOK IS A BOMBSHELL. I mean it is one of the most important essays on how to treat your physical system, sustain it, nourish it, and live a long life in good health. Previously, I had carefully and critically read William's Medical Medium. It is chocked full of information that I found impossible to refute, and have virtually adopted as my position on diet and supplements. His thoughts on B12, the GI tract, fats and a ton of issues, and for sure the importance of grasping a full knowledge of Epstein-Barr Virus (Zoster Virus) are fundamental to longevity and optimal health.
This book -- LIVER RESCUE -- is currently sold out on Amazon, and I haven't chased around to obtain copies for friends, but my guess is that a second printing is underway. If you care about your health, this brief overview of the cogent elements of the full book is a great place to start your medical education...But this summary, when it becomes again available, is an inexpensive startup.
I believe that we all MUST become medically informed citizens. All of the works by Williams fit that bill as a foundation.